Increased profitability, better biodiversity & increased carbon sequestration
Every year 400 Million trees are planted in Sweden alone. 10-20% of those are damaged by deers, leading to a loss for forest owners and the forestry industry of 7,2 Bn SEK annualy.
The browsing damages also greatly affect the CO2 absorption capacity of the Swedish forests.Million of tons every year. A worthy mission on it's own. In addition, browsing damages by deers leads to a deterioration in the biodiversity of the forests.
Current solutions are thus inneficient, outdated and involve manual labour of high frequency. Most of them include chemicals, harmful for both environment and workers.
Forscent believe that we have a solution to a massive monetary and environmental issue.
Forscent is developing a solution that will help the forest owners and the forest industry to reach the goal of reducing browsing damages, improve the biodiversity and increase the carbon sink. A solution with massive market potential.
After a successful proof of concept of our unique deterrent in 2024, Forscent has now started the product development of the first functioning prototype and the patent process.
The solution will minimize manual labor, use minimal chemicals and greatly improve wild life deterrent of newly planted forests.
Production of final product is expected to be started during 2026.
Forscent is founded by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and product development professionals.
All founders has a proven track record of developing products and businesses and has the full competence range needed to develop and drive Forscent from idea to market success.
Forscent is open for investment partners, ready to join us early 2025 on the quest to minimise forest damage and create the market leading products in wild life deterrent.
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Forscent AB